/* WARNING: Do NOT edit the input and output ports in this file in a text editor if you plan to continue editing the block that represents it in the Block Editor! File corruption is VERY likely to occur. */ /* Copyright (C) 1991-2013 Altera Corporation Your use of Altera Corporation's design tools, logic functions and other software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic functions, and any output files from any of the foregoing (including device programming or simulation files), and any associated documentation or information are expressly subject to the terms and conditions of the Altera Program License Subscription Agreement, Altera MegaCore Function License Agreement, or other applicable license agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for the sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by Altera and sold by Altera or its authorized distributors. Please refer to the applicable agreement for further details. */ (header "graphic" (version "1.4")) (pin (input) (rect 240 232 424 248) (text "INPUT" (rect 141 0 177 13)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))) (text "address[5..0]" (rect 5 0 89 15)(font "Arial" )) (pt 184 8) (drawing (line (pt 100 12)(pt 125 12)) (line (pt 100 4)(pt 125 4)) (line (pt 129 8)(pt 184 8)) (line (pt 100 12)(pt 100 4)) (line (pt 125 4)(pt 129 8)) (line (pt 125 12)(pt 129 8)) ) (text "VCC" (rect 144 7 168 20)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))) ) (pin (input) (rect 256 280 424 296) (text "INPUT" (rect 125 0 161 13)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))) (text "clock" (rect 5 0 38 15)(font "Arial" )) (pt 168 8) (drawing (line (pt 84 12)(pt 109 12)) (line (pt 84 4)(pt 109 4)) (line (pt 113 8)(pt 168 8)) (line (pt 84 12)(pt 84 4)) (line (pt 109 4)(pt 113 8)) (line (pt 109 12)(pt 113 8)) ) (text "VCC" (rect 128 7 152 20)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))) ) (pin (output) (rect 672 256 848 272) (text "OUTPUT" (rect 1 0 51 13)(font "Arial" (font_size 6))) (text "q[23..0]" (rect 90 0 137 15)(font "Arial" )) (pt 0 8) (drawing (line (pt 0 8)(pt 52 8)) (line (pt 52 4)(pt 78 4)) (line (pt 52 12)(pt 78 12)) (line (pt 52 12)(pt 52 4)) (line (pt 78 4)(pt 82 8)) (line (pt 82 8)(pt 78 12)) (line (pt 78 12)(pt 82 8)) ) ) (symbol (rect 480 216 592 312) (text "LPM_ROM" (rect 25 0 124 19)(font "Arial" (font_size 10))) (text "inst" (rect 3 85 27 101)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) (port (pt 0 24) (input) (text "address[LPM_WIDTHAD-1..0]" (rect 20 17 224 33)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) (text "address[]" (rect 20 17 83 33)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) (line (pt 0 24)(pt 16 24)(line_width 3)) ) (port (pt 0 40) (input) (text "inclock" (rect 20 33 68 49)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) (text "inclock" (rect 20 33 68 49)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) (line (pt 0 40)(pt 16 40)) ) (port (pt 0 72) (input) (text "memenab" (rect 20 65 87 81)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) (text "memenab" (rect 20 65 87 81)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) (line (pt 0 72)(pt 16 72)) (unused) ) (port (pt 0 56) (input) (text "outclock" (rect 20 49 77 65)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) (text "outclock" (rect 20 49 77 65)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) (line (pt 0 56)(pt 16 56)) (unused) ) (port (pt 112 48) (output) (text "q[LPM_WIDTH-1..0]" (rect 80 41 216 57)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) (text "q[]" (rect 77 41 94 57)(font "Arial" (font_size 8))) (line (pt 96 48)(pt 112 48)(line_width 3)) ) (parameter "LPM_ADDRESS_CONTROL" "" "Should the address and control ports be registered?" "\"REGISTERED\"" "\"UNREGISTERED\"" ) (parameter "LPM_FILE" "lpm_rom0.hex" "File containing initial contents of memory array" ) (parameter "LPM_NUMWORDS" "" "Number of memory words, default is 2^LPM_WIDTHAD" ) (parameter "LPM_OUTDATA" "\"UNREGISTERED\"" "Should the output data be registered?" "\"REGISTERED\"" "\"UNREGISTERED\"" ) (parameter "LPM_WIDTH" "24" "Data width in bits, any integer > 0" " 1" " 2" " 3" " 4" " 5" " 6" " 7" " 8" " 9" "10" "11" "12" "13" "14" "15" "16" "20" "24" "28" "32" "40" "48" "56" "64" ) (parameter "LPM_WIDTHAD" "6" "Number of address lines, any integer > 0" " 1" " 2" " 3" " 4" " 5" " 6" " 7" " 8" " 9" "10" "11" "12" ) (drawing (line (pt 16 16)(pt 96 16)) (line (pt 16 80)(pt 96 80)) (line (pt 96 80)(pt 96 16)) (line (pt 16 80)(pt 16 16)) ) (annotation_block (parameter)(rect 584 104 906 216)) ) (connector (pt 424 240) (pt 480 240) (bus) ) (connector (pt 592 264) (pt 672 264) (bus) ) (connector (pt 424 288) (pt 456 288) ) (connector (pt 456 288) (pt 456 256) ) (connector (pt 456 256) (pt 480 256) )